Monday, May 31, 2010

The Week That Was

I have just come home from an amazing dinner with my Mums Group girls (minus the babies woohoo). I hate the title of Mums Group. For some reason I associate it with a bunch of women who have nothing better to talk about than teething and pureed parsnip. Sad truth is, IT IS what we talk about. BUT in our defense, we are living and breathing this stuff and without the support of my “Mums Group” I would be very lost. Good thing is we laugh at our journeys until we cry; we give each other a shoulder to cry on if we are having one of those weeks and we ride the rollercoaster of first time motherhood….together. (Thanks to Jo, Helen and Raegan…love you long time).

Anyway, enough of my fabulous dinner.

I am just on the back end of a very busy week and have some exciting news to share. First cab off the rank is My Friend Matilda is now a registered business name (Phew!) I would have been stuck to think of another name if it was rejected as I had fallen in love with this one.

I also worked full time last week while my father in law, Nino had some time off work (and kindly offered to watch Kayden while I went and made some moula). This gave me little time to work on the business and therefore there were some very late nights and a new love for strong coffee in order to keep the train that was Matilda chugging along! One of the good things that came out of the extra work was that I had a little bit more money to put towards My Friend Matilda and stock some of the things I have fallen madly in love with on my journey to creating the ultimate gift store.

Now that the business name is registered, I have gone ahead and started to fill the shelves (virtual shelves) of My Friend Matilda. Here is a sneak peak at the goodies that are on their way across the country and globe right now!

Check out these beautiful creations by my new friend in Tuscany, Laura! Feel free to offer some kudos for Agata the Owl! I chose her fabric myself (the spotty owl on the left!). Kayden is already a fan of Helmut the Whale too, he laughs every time I show him a picture.

These are the days I dream of having a little girl so I can watch her dance and prance around her make believe stage in one of these gorgeous tutus we will now proudly stock by Fancy Schmancy.

I strongly believe in giving children toys that they can use in role/imaginative play. This was a big part of my childhood and I just loved picking out and choosing different “foods” I would have loved to “serve up” to my customers when I was young.

There is so much more to come so stay tuned and I will keep you updated on when my special deliveries start filing in! I’ll probably tackle the mail man in the drive way!

Thanks again for reading.

My Friend Matilda


Anonymous said...

Awesome blog! Matilda is sooo cute I want a puppy just like her! Can I be your first buyer? Let me know when your merchandise goes on sale?

My Friend Matilda said...

Hi There,

What a nice comment and of course you can be one of the first buyers! The store will be open and waiting for you all to take a peak very soon (looks like around the time that my DOG Matilda turns 2!! ).Thanks again, My Friend Matilda