Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Photoshoots, Hens Nights and Cows Disease

Well it has been a LONG time since the last blog. I apologise....I have had a couple of reminders from the Facebook fans but have been snowed under with day to day running of the business, planning the wedding and removing my son from doggy doors..yes he has gotten himself stuck in Tillie's dog door twice in one day!

What has been happening? Well the weeks are flying these days. I got told a long time ago that the years speed up as you get older then go twice as fast with children..I concur x 2.

Last week we had our pre-wedding shoot with our photographer . I was quite nervous and to be honest, Mike could not see the point in us "dragging Kayden out into the countryside". Kayden had only had a short 30 minute sleep (don't you hate when you have to wake them) we were worried how he would "perform" for Lauren....but boy did he perform. It was like he had be doing it for years...smiling, posing, looking straight down the lens...his mumma was proud! As I mentioned Mike was not convinced it was needed but WOW both of us were blown away with how good the photos turned out. I am now struggling to choose which ones we want printed. I need more wall space!!!

We walked away so relaxed and confident that on the day Lauren will capture the "feeling/mood" of the wedding. Special thanks of course to Lauren Wellington Photography for the use of the photos and a special thanks to my beautiful cousin (and bridesmaid), Renee for suggesting her!

Here are just some of the beautiful moments Lauren captured (if I don't say so myself!). The ones that touch my heart the most are of Kayden sitting in front of the fence..this is what I see when I close my eyes..and what choke me up when I think about how lucky we are to have him. I also love the ones of Mike and I on the fence..can't wait to marry my best friend..finally!

Photos courtesy of Lauren Wellington Photography -

We also had a massive sale a couple of weeks ago. The response was AMAZING! We had more sales in an hour (50) than we normally get in a month. Thank you so much to all of the customers who took part in the sale, I hope you enjoy your purchases!

I have my hens night on Saturday! WOOOHOOOOOO. Very excited to be letting my hair down with the girls. My beautiful bridesmaids gave me the best gift of all...their time..they have planned everything and told me just to rock up on the night. It means a lot! Thank you girls. I will try to remember to load up some photos of the night (the G rated ones!) Oh and my mums group is coming! Not quite the setting we normally meet in so that should be a laugh!

My diet? Well it is going well. 4.5kg so far..almost at pre baby weight! I am a huge fan of Lite N Easy and have no complaints about the food. There is plenty of it and it is delicious. I am doing coastal walks with girlfriends around 3 times a week and enjoying getting some fresh air.

Kayden had a bout of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease about a month ago...he still has some scars from it but they will disappear in the next couple of weeks. It was quite scary and we were sent up to the local children's hospital as his rash was very bad and nobody seemed to want to diagnose him. It managed to spread across the mums group and onto some other children..sounds horrible though. Random nosy, old lady at Woolies:...."awww what is wrong with your son..." Me: He had hand, foot and mouth disease". Random nosy, old lady steps back..." the cow disease?". I pause..."yes exactly what the cows get" (Note: no...nothing like the cows..its quite common - Kayden just had a very bad case of it and no before you judge...i didn't take him in public while contagious).

Anyway better get back to work, I have some wrapping to do! 5 lovely Earth Lust drink bottles are going to new homes!

Lots of love and speak soon.


My Friend Matilda